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> Introduzione alla piattaforma Kubernetes (a breve disponibile)
> Guida alle versioni di Kubernetes (a breve disponibile)
Scopri le 4 distribuzioni Kubernetes
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7 regole per ottenere risultati efficaci
La Digital Transformation in azienda
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Oltre la consulenza: affiancamento strategico, studio delle esigenze e delle strategie, delle pratiche e dei tool migliori per l’evoluzione digitale.
Scopri le attività di Cloud Transformation
Il pacchetto per la modernizzazione applicativa
Security, Cloud Security e DevSecOps
Da MSP a MSK: il Managed service by Kiratech comprende tutti i servizi MSP con qualcosa in più. Cogestione 24/7 sulla toolchain Cloud Native.
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Conosci il Tiger Team Kiratech (a breve disponibile)
Siamo reseller dei migliori software per la digital evolution. La nostra Toolchain è studiata su misura in base alle esigenze e ai progetti.
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Krateo è la piattaforma di automazione open source per aziende enterprise che devono standardizzare e aumentare l’adozione Cloud Native utilizzando le API Kubernetes standard.
Scopri come avere un unico ambiente di automazione comune.
Leggi i casi d'uso
We have just come back from the 5th Splunk conf in Las Vegas: 3500+ people, three days with over 160 sessions ranging from security and operations to business intelligence to even the Internet of Things, the same central theme kept appearing over and over again: the key to Big Data is machine learning.
Five key trends must be kept in mind in the coming years:
Splunk 6.2 will be released later this month and will cover all of them, making machine data more accessible, usable and valuable to everyone.
The new version will boost performance and efficiency of the BigData infrastructure (2.5x faster), improved manageability with the new Central Control Operation Center and, finally, even the Search Head can be clustered.
Analytics will be improved too: data on-boarding, new bubble chart, new and powerful fields extractor to build custom regex, and new and useful pivot interface.
Operation intelligence: realtime pushed in every web application, and users can access it from any device with the new mobile interface. Take a look at Splunk MINT.
Splunk is now more developer friendly thanks to the Visual Studio and Eclipse plugin, that makes it very easy to extend and customise your BigData experience.
Last 3 new features:
So, not a major release, but lots of new improvements and features, and a great conference, definitely a place to be once per year.
Come back in the next few days to read more about our presentation about how Machine Learning Analytics and Anomaly Detection helps enterprises thanks to Prelert and how Splunk is the new SIEM even if it's not a SIEM.
Stay tuned.