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Posts by Angela Salgarelli:
The Event of September the 17th, on the Kiratech 10th Anniversary, that has been a huge success, attracting 200 people (mainly customers, but also...
(Lettura 2 minuti)
agosto 24, 2015
The Tableau Experience - 24 Settembre 2015
Roma | 24 September, 2015 | 14:00 - 17:30
luglio 16, 2015
Silicon Valley: Kiratech Journey in the places where innovation was born
Here we are with a new Kiratech adventure! Today we want to tell you (mainly though pictures) about the journey of Kiratech, in particular of our CEO...
(Lettura 2 minuti)
giugno 26, 2015
Day 2 at DockerCon: a great day of new features and products announcements!
Here we are with Day 2 at DockerCon 2015! This was an extremely enthusiastic day with a lot of great announcements!
(Lettura 4 minuti)
giugno 25, 2015