Tutto ciò che devi sapere sul Platform Engineering e perché la tua azienda dovrebbe implementarlo
26 luglio, 2016
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Docker public training - milano 12-15 DICembre 2016
Marco Bizzantino

Marco Bizzantino is the CIO/CISO at Kiratech, based in Verona, Italy. Marco start as a linux system administrator, focusing on security issue, both server and network side, being interested on hardening, penetration test, security audit, firewall and cryptography. Since 2002 he follows virtualization solutions, mainly with vmware and RHEL based hypervisor, working on several mission critical systems in the financial and medical industries. Recently Marco is keeping his interest on log aggregation, analysis software and machine learning, to support searches, investigations, monitoring and give the real-time approach that a complex IT infrastracture demands. Thanks to the DevOps culture Marco acquired strong skills on containers, CI/CD, automation and anything related to the new processes the IT now requires.
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