Tutto ciò che devi sapere sul Platform Engineering e perché la tua azienda dovrebbe implementarlo
9 marzo, 2022
(Lettura 1 minuti)
Kubernetes & Cloud Native Security Meetup - 22 marzo
Angela Salgarelli

For several years I have been involved in Marketing in the IT sector, with a particular focus on the Digital aspect. In Kiratech, I’m in charge of creating digital and traditional marketing strategies to promote the company services and products in order to help customers embracing the Digital Transformation through innovative IT methodologies and solutions in Data-driven Cloud, Platform Engineering and Secured Software supply chain areas. Supported by the marketing team, I deal with: - The creation of contents in the IT field according to SEO logics and inbound marketing principles - The management and updating of the company website - The strategic and operational management of integrated digital communication campaigns (Website - Social - Email Marketing - Adv) - The management of Digital Advertising Campaigns on Google and LinkedIn - The organization of corporate, community and training events. My main characteristics are curiosity, passion and resourcefulness. I love discovering new things and testing them even through new tools and techniques for the pleasure of increasing my knowledge and gaining new experiences.
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